Friday, February 27, 2009

Visitng Parents & Extended Stay

My lack of blog postings in the past two weeks is a true testament to how busy things have been here in Mexico. Funny how I always find a way to keep myself wound up...even when I'm in the most tranquil places.

It all started two weeks ago when Jim and Judy Eliott arrived here in Cuernavaca. It was so great to see them, and they were also accompanied by many other students (all a part of OSHER - some 'life long learning' program that Judy is involved with) and also Ann Deaton (who is Brady Deaton the Chancellor & President of Mizzou's wife). It has been so great having them here -- a little Mizzou spirit anywhere is always a nice addition to an already wonderful place!

Last Tuesday I had another interview in Mexico City, this time with a company called Aztex - a texitle manufacturing company here in Mexico. The interview was amazing. The two people I met with spoke perfect English (a nice contrast to my first interview in Mexico City) and had so much wonderful knowledge of the textile industry to share with me and the students in the United States. I know that they will get so much out of it! A lot of interesting changes are taking place in the industry right now. One really cool example: Aztex went to a trend conference in Europe a month or so ago and the person who was giving the conference on upcoming trends for Generations Y & Z was from Columbia Records - telling all of these big textile and apparel companies to look to certain musicians and music groups for the styles that are going to be popular. INSANE!

Wednesday I stayed in Mexico City and waiting at the airport for Mom and Ed to arrive. What a wonderful blessing it was to have them come down and visit. Mom of course freaked out when she saw me -- I think that this is the longest we have gone without seeing eachother and apparently she took it pretty hard. Haha. We had so much fun while they were here. We visited Xochialco (some old ruins) and Taxco (an old silver mining town with TONS of silver shops!) plus I took them around downtown Cuernavaca. Mom came to one of my spanish classes with me in the morning and she did very well! I think being here has infected her with the "love of Spanish learning" bug. haha It was great, though, because she was able to meet with some teachers at my University and talk about possible exchange programs that could be set up with Mizzou and my University, UNINTER. In any case, Mom and Ed went back to the States on Sunday with a little sun, some pesos in thier pockets, a few new Spanish vocab words, and some wonderful memories!

This week has been the week of Market Research for me and my students at Mizzou. And what a week it has been! I have done over 20 interviews this week with Mexican consumers and have a TON of great research for the students completed. I am really hoping their projects turn out well and that I am able to do enough to help them get the market research they are needing to make this as legitimate a project as possible. Needless to say I am a little worn out from it all. If I wasn't interviewing I was responding to the students questions with my own experiences (each group gave between 15-30 questions and there are 7 groups). I should be finished with this first batch by Sunday evening!

SO! I think that brings us to today, right?!

I have decided that I am going to stay an extra week in Mexcio. I have commited to be back to work at My Glass Slipper on March 23, but had nothing planned the week between then and when I was supposed to return. Thanks to the grant at the University I am able to afford another week at the school and living with my amazing family here in Cuernavaca. I changed my flight today so now my offical return home date is March 21. Suprisingly, it only cost me $100 to change my flight -- I thought it would be so much more!

I can honestly say that this is the happiest and most content I have ever been in my entire life. I am loving that I am doing this on my own, yet feel so blessed to have such a strong support system here in Mexico and back at home in the States. This has been a life changing opportunity for me, and I couldn't be more grateful for every single moment.

1 comment:

Sweetasc6h12o6 said...

Hi honey! I am so glad to hear you are so very happy! :o) I still cannot believe you're doing all this--so proud of you! I'm hoping that either Jeff and I or Jess and I can road trip it to MU one day (or two) and visit you. You'll have to let me know when you're back and settled. Loves you!