Saturday, January 24, 2009

Late Night Tacos and Good Friends

I have made it through my first week in Cuernavaca! I took my first exam for Spanish School and got a 97/100! Esta muy bueno, no?! I passed the oral exam and also had to submit a one page paper describing "mi salon de clase" or my classroom. I am learning so much vocabulary -- today I will be making flash cards so I can quiz myself and my friends.

I am making some wonderful friends here! My closest friend is a girl named Carla who is from New York and goes to the University of Buffalo. We had class together all week and have met up at el Centro for dinner a drinks a few times. Her roommates and friends are wonderful, and we have enjoyed getting to know eachother. I don't have any roommates, which I feel is a good thing. My mama and papa are able to give me a lot of one-on-one practice and attention in helping me speak Spanish. We are also making friends with some of the Mexican students at the University. That also helps because they like to help us with our Spanish and we help correct their English.

An interesting part about studying abroad at UNINTER is that there are always people coming and going. It's sad, but a blatant reality check that this is not real life, and it is not going to last forever! Alas, for the time being I am really enjoying myself and trying to get the most out of this experience as possible.

Last night after spending some time with the girls who are leaving, my friends and I went to this taco stand called La Gringa. I think there are a few of them throughout Cuernavaca. I have posted a picture of me eating tacos al pastor. If you google image search "tacos al pastor" you can see a picture of this huge chunk of meat that rotates on a pole. It seems gross and my stomach is a little upset this morning, but it was totally worth it! They were the best tacos I have ever had!

This week I start having contact with the students at Mizzou who I am helping do some primary research for. Their project is to come up with a U.S. brand that could be brought into Cuernavaca. I am excited to see where the students take this project, and am ready to go out and do whatever I need to do to find the information that they need. And if that means going to the shopping malls a few times a week, I think I'll be able to handle that!

Today my girlfriends and I are heading to Plaza Cuernavaca to get haircuts and go shoe shopping. I hope all is well at home. As for now, here is to another wonderful week in sunny, beautiful Cuernavaca!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Salsa Dancing & School

I am halfway through my first week in Cuernavaca! It is unbelieveable to me how quickly time seems to be passing.

Today I finshed my thrid day of school, and I seem to be progessing at a decent pace. I am able to speak more and more everyday. My classes are all in Spanish and my family only speaks to me in Spanish so literally at least 8 hours out of the day I am only hearing Spanish. I am realizing how much French I know as when I am at a loss of how to say something in Spanish I tend to throw out some random French phrsases. So I guess right now I am speaking some sort of FrenSpanGlish. Right now I am trying to focus just on learning vocabulary, as the larger that gets the easier it will be for me to speak.

Yesterday was an exciting day as I took my first salsa class and went out on the town in the evening with some friends. The salsa class was awesome. The school I go to is also a regular University for Mexican students, and so the class has both international students from the Spanish School and also from the regular Universtiy. The teacher is a sassy young Latino who is an amazing dancer and literally make anyone feel like they are an amazing salsa dancer. The classes meet every Tuesday and Thursday from 3-4, and I plan on going every week. It's a great workout!

Last night I went to el Centro with some friends that I met at school. We went to an outdoor bar called Los Arcos which is a common hangout for the international students that are living in Cuernavaca. There was a live band that played salsa music. I wasn't ready to debut my dancing skills in public, so I declined a few offers to dance. After Los Arcos we went to an American dance club where they played classic songs like Hanson's "MmmBop" and NSync's "Bye Bye Bye", as well as modern favorites like Brittany Spears "Womanizer". It was fun being out with my friends but I ended up getting home much later than I had hoped. Plus the cab driver siffed us, charging $120 pesos to take three of us home that live within about 4 blocks of one another. Most cab rides, even at night, shouldn't be much more than $40 pesos. (Just to give you an idea, right now pesos are exhanging with U.S. dollars 14-1)

It has been wonderful staying in touch with my friends and family at home. I've had a few Skype dates, and luckily have been able to call and check in a few times as well. I am so thankful that I have wireless internet capabilities at my home. It makes the 1,400 miles I am away from home seem much more manageable.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Mexico City Excursion & School

I am starting to really enjoy my time here in Mexico!

My family is amazing, and I love spending time with my Mama and Papa. They are so patient and kind with my lack of Spanish -- but starting tomorrow there is no more English in the house! This is probably a good thing, and I know Mama will be patient with me and help me understand even if I have to ask her to repeat something 100 times. She gave me a list of vocabulary words that I have started to memorize. Tomorrow I begin school at my University and I couldn't be more ready to sit down and start learning this language so I can communicate!

Today I decided to go on my frist school excursion by myself -- I didn't know anyone else who was going on the trip but decided it was something I shouldn't miss...and boy was I right! We went to Mexico City and visited 4 awesome places. The Metropolitan Cathedral, which is second most important cathedral in America (second of course to the Bascillica); Palacio Nacional, which is the national Palace that houses the murals of Diego Rivera; Templo Mayor, which is the main temple of the Aztec town Tenochtitlan which is now Mexico City; and the Anthropology Museum which was simply unbelieveable. I took almost 100 pictures just today and can't wait to share them all. The group of students that went were all very friendly and I made some new friends. Most of them are much better at speaking Spanish than me, so I probably won't be in any classes with them.

Tonight when I got home (around 6p.m.), all of the extended family was over at my house. They had grilled out for dinner so one of my parents sons fired up the grill and made me a hamburger. After talking to everyone in rediculously broken Spanish, I stayed outside with their grandson for about an hour talking about school, life, and Mexico. He is a senior in high school and speaks great English. He said he would show me around Cuernavaca and I think we may start going to exercise together at the gym that is right down the street. Oh I guess I should mention -- where I live there are 3 houses on the property. #1: Mama, Papa, and myself #2: Son + grandson #3: Daughter + Husband.

I must be off to bed to get a good nights rest for my frist day of school tomorrow! Soon enough I will start posting in Spanish!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Welcome to Cuernavaca

I have made it safely to Cuernavaca! Yesterday was a really productive and exciting day.

Dr. HB and I ate breakfast at our hotel. They had lots of American-type food, but also some Mexican stuff. I had potatoes with cactus and bacon! haha We went to our meeting with Cotton Inc., and got to meet Jaime and Olivia who are the two people that will be helping me get in contact with factories to interview for my cotton research. They were so helpful, and have suggested that one of them accompany me on the visits that I make. This made both Dr. HB and I feel a lot better, as that was a conern of ours as I do not need to be wandering around Mexico City (where most of the factories are) alone. They suggested we may be able to do dinner meetings, which I guess is a common way to do business in Mexico.

After leaving Cotton Inc. we made our journey to Cuernavaca via bus. It took about an hour and a half. The city is beautiful, and the hotel we are staying in is absolutly amazing - Hosteria Las Quintas. I called my "mama" (Tere...the mother of the family I am going to be living with) when I got in, and she was so excited to hear from me. After talking for a bit she said "I'm sending kisses your way...look forward to seeing you tomorrow!" I can't wait to meet her and her husband Alfonso.

We decided to begin our market research and went to Plaza Cuernavaca to look at their stores and analyze their visual merchandising. We also looked at the country of origin for the products and suprisingly so many of them were made in Mexcio (espeically in JC Pennys). JC Pennys and SEARS were about the only two stores that were the same as what we have in the states but the merchandising is awful compared to our standards. There are clothes the asiles where you walk, and jam packed into each section. The electronics were right next to the baby clothes, so the product placement was a little off as well.

After leaving Plaza Cuernavaca we went to dinner at La India Bonita, which was reccomended to us by Hosteria Las Quintas. The food was decent and I had my first Corona of the trip. We were seated in the gardens, and the weather was simply perfect. About 73 degrees and overcast. After returning from dinner we came back to the hotel and I was able to check in via Skype phone with some friends. Dr. HB and I had drinks and dessert at the hotel, and enjoyed trying to figure out how to explain to the waiters what we meant by "dessert" because neither of us knew what the word was! haha

I am feeling so comfortable and at home here. I get to meet Tere and Alfonso - my family - today at 3:00p.m. after Dr. HB and I do some more market research -- this time at a higher end shopping center called the Galariea. I am excited to see my room and get everything unpacked and settled in. Tomorrow I take my entrance exam at Universidad International, and I'm looking forward to getting the tour of my school and maybe seeing a little more of Cuernavaca.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Mexico City: It's HUGE!

I am officially in Mexico!

It's hard to believe that this morning I was packing up my things, petting the dogs, watching TV in ENGLISH -- and now I'm here! The trip has been really great so far -- the flights were quick and easy. Both about 2 hours and smooth sailing the entire way. Our flight from Dallas to Mexico City was from 5-7 so it was dark when we were flying into Mexico City. On the airplane at the moment I started seeing the city lights was when I had my first "freak out" moment. MEXICO CITY IS HUGE! Once you see lights they don't stop for as far as the eye can see. Our taxi driver from the airport to our hotel told us that Mexico City is the second largest city in the world. Considering Chicago...or I guess L.A. are the biggest cities I've been to -- this was just crazy.

Our hotel is absoloutly amazing. I am going to try and figure out how to post pictures here so you can see this awesome room! Luckily the hotel has free high-speed wi-fi so I'm able to connect with friends/fam and of course update the blog.

Tomorrow is meetings with Cotton Inc. from 9-11:30, then Dr. Ha-Brookshire and I will try and make it to Cuernavaca which will involve a taxi ride to the bus station at the south side of the city and then trying to buy tickets for the right bus to take us to the "city of eternal spring". :o) Will check in when I can.

Love to all -- and thank you for your encouragement and prayers -- they are really helping me with this whole 'adapting' process!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Preparing to Depart!

I leave for Mexico on Wednesday of this week! I cannot believe how quickly time has passed and that this beautiful journey is ready to begin! I have been so blessed to see my family and friends the past few days, and have found it difficult to say goodbye. I suppose I should get used to this, as the next 2 days are just going to be more of the same.

I haven't started packing yet, but have made a few fairly extensive lists as to what I need to bring with me. My favorite item on the list...sunscreen! Haha. This 30 degree Missouri weather with frigid nights is something that I am not going to miss.

Here is the rundown for my first few days in Mexico. I will do my best to check-in with a few people once I safely arrive, but it will be a few days before I will have regular internet access and the ability to Skype, check/send e-mails, etc.

Wednesday 1/14: Depart St. Louis International Airport around 12:30p.m., head to Dallas, then onto a flight that heads into Mexico City -- we should arrive around 8:30p.m. (Mexico is in the same timezone as Missouri!!)

Thursday 1/15: Dr. Ha-Brookshire and I will be meeting with our representative from Cotton Inc. at their Latin American headquarters in Mexico City at 9:00a.m . Our meeting is scheduled from 9:00a.m.-11:30a.m., then I believe Dr. HB and I will be doing a bit of traveling around Mexico City with the help of someone at Cotton Inc. Around 3:00p.m. we will depart via bus to Cuernavaca. We are staying at a beautiful hotel (I will be sure to take pictures).

Friday 1/16: A friend of Judy Elliott is going to be showing us around the city of Cuernavaca during the day on Friday. We will be going to some cultural spots, and hopefully a few shopping centers so Dr.HB can get an idea of the market I'm going to have access to (I will eventually end up interviewing some local Mexicans about their consumption of cotton products). After our tour I will return to my home where I will be staying for the next 8 weeks. Their names are Alfonso and Tere Payen - an older couple (I think in their 70's). I'm really looking forward to meeting them and seeing my 'digs'.

Saturday 1/17: I have to take an entrance exam at the Universidad International to place me into the proper classes for my first week. I should tell them just to put me in the lowest level! haha After that I think I will be able to spend time with my family and explore Cuernavaca a bit. By this time I should be starting to get settled in!

Well, that's the scoop! I will be sure to post more as I can and do my best at responding to e-mails. If you'd like to get in touch with me, below are the best options. I have toyed with getting an international phone while I'm in Mexico (supposedly their quite cheap) but for now we will bank on me only being able to call out!

Skype: emily.stoll
AIM: eesxb6

Love to all of you! Next time I post hopefully I will be safely in Mexico and ready for this amazing journey!